WebRTC Recorder

Secondary KMS Set up Failed - encryption.RSA.ActiveThumbPrint' not valid


The setting up the KMS secondary instance stuck at installation console and failed on windows.


Key Management System instance in the secondary application server stuck at command line setup.bat.

When we observe the set up has copied the KMS files to the target location and logs created , However the KMS command line scripts has not returned success. Along with this, even if you forcefully start the KMS windows service at windows service manager ; it will result in failure .


Open the KMS set up folder and check whether the set up log being created

Open the latest set up log and navigate to the end of the file , check if you had got this below error

Loading Encryption certificates "Configuration 'Server[1].Encryption.RSA.ActiveThumbPrint' not valid. Corresponding certificate not found in certificate store"

This is caused due to the certificate being not added to certificate store gracefully. In the good scenario, the KMS set up scripts will add the server certificates on data folder to 'trusted people' folder of the windows certificate manager.

Resolution / Fix:

Open Windows certificate manager (mmc.exe) and check you have you certificates exist. example: if your KMS log throws  error for 'server1' then find server1.

If the specific certificate not found on certificate manager trusted root folder then import it manually. In other words if the server 1 certificate you are getting error then import the server1.cer file.

This issue with set up environment in case if you are building instance with mirror copy of primary OS. Sometime this issue might also occur in case of issue with initial set up scripts.



video in WebRTC Recorder is not appearing on OCM report

a) Issue Description

In OCM Audio/Video Playback report, there is a placeholder for the video / audio, and the indicator turns. But no video or audio is played.

b) Components to Verify:

ComponentWhat to CheckWhere to Check
Recorder serviceIs the WebRTCRecorder Service Up and RunningStart -> Task Manager -> Services Tab -> WebRTCRecorderService
OCMIn OCM, user able to load the OCM Audio Video Playback report1. Login to OCM2. Click on OCMReports on right top

3.Set the Report Channel as 'Video',Report Name as 'OCM Audio Video Playback  Report' and 'Report Type as 'Date Range'(Provide the valid date)'.

4.Click on 'Show Report'

 RecorderIf the recordings are availableCheck if the recordings are available in provided recording path (E:\Tetherfi\Applications\AppData\data\)The file mixed-v.webm present inside the processed folder should be able to play in VLC player or chrome.

c) Troubleshooting:

Pls check that the hostname of the recorder server in the E:\Tetherfi\Applications\WebRTCRecorder\WebRTCRecorder.exe.config file is correct.

Video recordings not playing in OCM Reports

Issue Description:

In OCM Audio/Video Playback reports, audio can be played but video will be having black screen.


Check the output_chop_mode key value in <WebRTCRecorder-install-path>/Transcoder/config.json

If the value is set to 1 then make it 0.


In OCM Audio/Video Playback report, users are unable to play the Audio/Video recordings with OCM displaying message as "There is no recordings to this session to preview"

a) Issue Description:

In OCM Audio/Video Playback report, users are unable to play the Audio/Video recordings with OCM displaying message as "There is no recordings to this session to preview"

b) Components to Verify:

ComponentWhat to CheckWhere to Check
Recorder serviceIs the WebRTCRecorder Service Up and RunningStart -> Task Manager -> Services Tab -> WebRTCRecorderService
OCMIn OCM, user able to load the OCM Audio Video Playback report1. Login to OCM

2. Click on OCMReports on right top

3.Set the Report Channel as 'Video',Report Name as 'OCM Audio Video Playback  Report' and 'Report Type as 'Date Range'(Provide the valid date)'.

4.Click on 'Show Report'

 RecorderIf the recordings are availableCheck if the recordings are available in provided recording path(Ex: C:\WebRTCRecorder\Data\Processed)

The file mixed-v.webm present inside the processed folder should be able to play in VLC player or chrome.

c) Keywords to Search:

ComponentKeywordsLog Path
OCM LogsGo to OCM folder ->Web.config -> key ‘Log4NetConfigFile’ will have the path to OCMLogs
Recorder ServiceGo to WebRTCRecorder folder -> Log4net.config -> key ‘Log4NetConfigFile’ will have the path to RecorderLogs

d) Troubleshooting:

OCMProvide complete access to the WebRTC Certificate folder.

The certificate folder should contain a valid certificate.

  • Right-click on certificate folder and select properties
  • Navigate to the Security tab
  • Provide complete permission to the folder. Click on 'Edit' and provide complete access.
  • Click on ‘Apply’ and click ‘OK’

Below are the steps to generate the certificate,

1. Go to IIS and click on the Server certificate

2. Click on Create Self Signed certificate, specify the certificate name

3. Click on 'OK'

Follow the below steps to copy .cer certificate to certificate folder.

  • Double click on the certificate, go to the details tab and click on ‘Copy to File’
  • Click on next,
  • Select ‘No, do not export the private key’ and click on Next.
  • Select DER encoded binary X.509,
  • Provide the path and filename to generate the certificate and click on next. (Ex: “C:\Avaya\OCM\Certificate”)
  • Click on Finish
OCM ConfigCheck if the below config key is present in the OCM configuration file, if not present add this config key and check if the certificate path is provided in OCM config file as shown below.

<add key="WebRTCRecorderCertificateFolder" value="C:\Avaya\OCM\Certificate" />

The certificate folder should contain a valid certificate generated for that server in .cer format.

OCM ConfigScenario: Check by providing localhost/IP/server domain in both OCM config and WebRTC recorder config file as given below. These changes provided when OCM and WebRTC recorder are in same server.

In OCM configuration check for the below keys:

<add key="WebRTCRecorderAPIUrl" value="https://localhost:port/wrs/recording/rest/session/" />

  • Provide localhost in both OCM config and recorder config file as shown below,

Recorder ConfigScenario: Check by providing localhost/IP/server domain in both OCM config and WebRTC recorder config file as given below. These changes provided when OCM and WebRTC recorder are in the same server.

In Recorder configuration check for the below keys:

<add key="hostPublicName" value="localhost "/>

  • Provide localhost in both OCM config and recorder config file as shown below,

<add key="hostPublicName" value="localhost"/>

OCM ConfigScenario: Check by providing localhost/IP/server domain in both OCM config and WebRTC recorder config file as given below. These changes provided when OCM and WebRTC recorder are in same server/different server.

In OCM configuration check for the below keys:

<add key="WebRTCRecorderAPIUrl" value="https://server-ip:port/wrs/recording/rest/session/" />

  • Provide IP in both OCM config and recorder config file as shown below,
Recorder ConfigScenario: Check by providing localhost/IP/server domain in both OCM config and WebRTC recorder config file as given below. These changes provided when OCM and WebRTC recorder are in the same server/different server.

In Recorder configuration check for the below keys:

<add key="hostPublicName" value="server-ip"/>

Provide IP in both OCM config and recorder config file,

OCM ConfigScenario: Check by providing localhost/IP/server domain in both OCM config and WebRTC recorder config file as given below. These changes provided when OCM and WebRTC recorder are in the same server/different server.

In OCM configuration check for the below keys:

<add key="WebRTCRecorderAPIUrl" value="https://domain name:port/wrs/recording/rest/session/" />

Provide server domain in both OCM config and recorder config file as shown below,

Recorder ConfigScenario: Check by providing localhost/IP/server domain in both OCM config and WebRTC recorder config file as given below. These changes provided when OCM and WebRTC recorder is on the same server/different server.

In Recorder configuration check for the below keys:

<add key="hostPublicName" value="domain-name"/>

Provide server domain in both OCM config and recorder config file as shown below,

RecorderCheck if the recordings(mixed-v.webm) are playing in the Processed folder of the Recorder(path  C:\WebRTCRecorder\Data\Processed).

OCMIf  OCM and Recorder are in same server, no need to provide "WebRTCRecorderSecurityProtocolType" key value in the config

<add key="WebRTCRecorderSecurityProtocolType" value=" " />

If both are in different server, provide security protocol in OCM web config.

OCMBinding the certificate

Refer: https://weblog.west-wind.com/posts/2013/sep/23/hosting-signalr-under-sslhttps