License Service

“You do not have access to this page. IW license not found” error in UI

Issue Resolution 1:

This error will be generated when the license service is not running in the system. check Licence service.



License Service Error Codes

NoError Code


1-3/-4 You do not have access to this page, IW License not found!This error will generate in below cases

·         When License server is not running/deployed

·         License is expired, or wrong license file deployed.

2-5 You do not have access to this page, License grace period expiredThis error will be generated when grace license period expired
3-2 IW License has expired. Grace period end date dd/mm/yyyyA notification in UI footer appears to indicate IW license expired and IW is running under grace period mode.

“You do not have access to this page. IW license not found” error in UI

Issue Resolution:

This error will be generated  when license service is not running in the system

Exception in OnStart: HTTP could not register URL http://+:80/LicenseServer/ Your process does not have access rights to this namespace Called OnStop, so stopping service

Issue Resolution:

This error will be generated when already a license service is running in the system with same name and port.

Use sc delete command and delete existing service and then deploy new service