Tetherfi Desk Manager

Network Symbol is not getting connected in T Desk Manager

Issue Description:

After enabling firewall for TDM, network or Wi-Fi symbol is still not getting connected.

Components to Verify

  • Check the console logs , if any error related to Signal R
  • Is Signal R is connected or disconnected
  • Check the signal r URL


Navigate to TDM folder where TDM is deployed, Go to TDM Client>scripts>ui scripts>connection.js. Signal r URL should be same as application URL.


This happens when TDM URL doesn’t match with Signal R URL.

Next Steps :

  • If Both the URL are not same, modify and make it same. Both should be either https or http.
  • Open the TDM application and open console , Copy the get URL till negotiate? And open in new tab



Net:ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: error in console

Issue Resolution:

  1. Check if the Tetherfi Desk Manager service is running in the server.
  2. Check the signalr URL in both server-side (TDM service ) and client-side configuration for the mismatch.
  3. Check port is open to communicate with the socket.