Supervisor Module

Agents can't be seen in "hierarchy" module base

In this module base, the supervisor can monitor agents based on hierarchy of org. unit.

  1. Verify if the version of "SupervisorApplication.dll" is greater than
  2. Verify if "ModuleBase" key in "ApplicationSettings.json" in Supervior Module is set to "hierarchy". You can find help for  configurations here.
  3. Verify is TMAC Server URLs configured in Web.config or template.config (when confMode in tmc.config is set as "local") is reachable by opening the URLs in browser.
  4. Verify is the names of these TMAC Server endpoints are mapped properly in JSON file under "TmacServers" key.
  5. Verify if the all the DB Scripts are executed while upgrading.
  6. Verify if the DB function "fn_Generic_AgentHierarchy" exists in your DB.
  7. Compare the above DB function version. Initially used in v3.2.03.22 and then changed in v3.2.06.11. Verify this.
  8. Verify if the DB connection string is correctly configured.
  9. A key exists in "Web.config" called "OCMAdminModules". Take the help of deployment guide here to configure this, if not done so.
  10. Verify is the URL configured in "OCMAdminModules" is reachable by opening the browser. Windows authentication for that URL should be disabled.
  11. Once any changes are done in "ApplicationSettings.json" or "template.config" or any other config files, the application needs to be restarted by restarting the application pool to which the Supervisor module belongs.
  12. Verify twice if the hierarchy mapping is correctly done in OCM. You can get a better understanding here.
  13. Verify if the changes in OCM are approved, if changed.
  14. Finally, see to that all deployment intructions mentioned in the tab of the release notes are followed.

If the issue still persists after checking all ofthe above thoroughly, you may send a detailed mail at with the summary of things tried above.

Agents can't be seen in "supervisor" module base

In this module base, the immediate supervisor of agents can monitor them.

  1. Verify if "ModuleBase" key in "ApplicationSettings.json" in Supervior Module is set to "supervisor". You can find help for  configurations here.
  2. Verify is TMAC Server URLs configured in Web.config or template.config (when confMode in tmc.config is set as "local") is reachable by opening the URLs in browser.
  3. Verify is the names of these TMAC Server endpoints are mapped properly in JSON file under "TmacServers" key.
  4. Verify if the agent-supervisor mapping is correctly done in OCM. The agents should be under a supervisor.
  5. Verify if the changes in OCM are approved, if changed.
  6. Finally, see to that all deployment intructions mentioned in the tab of the release notes are followed.

If the issue still persists after checking all of the above thoroughly, you may send a detailed mail at with the summary of things tried above.

Agents can't be seen in "team" module base

In this module base, the supervisor can monitor agents belonging to his same team.

  1. Verify if "ModuleBase" key in "ApplicationSettings.json" in Supervior Module is set to "team". You can find help for  configurations here.
  2. Verify is TMAC Server URLs configured in Web.config or template.config (when confMode in tmc.config is set as "local") is reachable by opening the URLs in browser.
  3. Verify is the names of these TMAC Server endpoints are mapped properly in JSON file under "TmacServers" key.
  4. Verify if the agents and supervisor belong to the same team in OCM.
  5. Verify if the team changes in OCM are approved, if changed.
  6. Finally, see to that all deployment intructions mentioned in the tab of the release notes are followed.

If the issue still persists after checking all of the above thoroughly, you may send a detailed mail at with the summary of things tried above.

Some supervisors cannot see the agents

Issue description:

In supervisor module, some supervisor are not able to see any agents.


In supervisor module there are three ways to configure the agent visibility for a supervisor. Based on each type, how supervisors can see agents will differ.

This setting is found in ApplicationSettingsConfiguration.SupervisorSettings.ModuleBase

Possible values:

  1. Supervisor – supervisor can see those agents who are directly assigned to him/her in OCM
  2. Team – supervisor can see those agents are in the same team as the supervisor (agent and supervisor both should be in same org hierarchy level)
  3. Hierarchy – supervisor can see those agents in the same hierarchy. A supervisor from upper level (department, division, country) can see agents in a lower level (team)



If there are supervisors who cannot see agents, then check above ModuleBase configuration and then check OCM agent settings for supervisor and agent team values. Make sure the configuration and OCM agent settings match each other as per the customer requirement.


'Could Not Load File or Assembly' in Logs


When the application fails to find and load an assembly (DLL), following exception is thrown:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Reasons and Solutions

  1. The assembly itself is not found.In this case, the assembly is not present in your application path. Copy the assembly from release and paste it here and try again.
  2. The specific version of that assembly is not found.Sometimes, the assembly version referred by the application and the present assembly might vary due to incorrect deployment or during release process.
    1. Navigate to the application path.
    2. Open the application config file and template config file.
    3. Head to the "runtime" section under "configuration".
    4. You will find the assembly binding redirects. These are used to redirect references of "oldVersion" to "newVersion".Following is the sample assembly redirect:<runtime>
      <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
      <assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
      <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
      </runtime>Here, this says, that all references of assemblies from version to (oldVersion) should use (new Version)
    5. So, you should copy the version of Newtonsoft.Json.dll of version
    6. So, if you found an error for this DLL, probably you are using different version DLL.

How to find assembly version?

For TMAC Server, version onwards assembly versions are printed in logs on start up. Until this version, file versions were printed.

Assembly and file versions are different.

To find assembly version, run this command in your powershell window:


Substitute your application path and assembly name here.

Once you find your assembly version, you can verify what version assembly you have and do the needful.


Report To

If this issue was due to the incorrect release and not due to wrong deployment process, report this to the developer so that release can be corrected.

For TMAC components, report to

For WorkQueue components, report to