Tetherfi Agent Scripting

TAS:"You do not have access to this Page" error

Troubleshooting Information

1.Verify that able to connect to DB

2.Verify License server is running.If license server is running but still getting error then check valid TAS license file is present in license server.


TAS: Unable to add/import glossary,questions to Master

Issue Description:


1. Login to TAS application.

2. Navigate to Master.

3. Select glossary and try to add/import glossary.Similarly,select questions and try to add/import questions.

4. Added glossary or questions does not appear in the screen.No error message thrown while adding.


Tetherfi Agent Scripting

Troubleshooting Information

Go to TAS folder where it is deployed.Select 'data' folder and give full permission to the folder.Refresh TAS in IIS and verify.

TAS:WebSync is not working

Troubleshooting Information

1.Verify WebSync is enabled in configuration file(web.config) of TAS application.

2.After configuration , if WebSync is enabled, navigate to "\Data\MasterData\ApplicationWebSyncConfiguration.json" and verify number if items in this JSON corresponds to the servers it must keep in sync. Protocol must be values such as “tls”, “tls12” etc. Certificate path must be the physical path of the server’s certificate. These two fields must be configured if it applies. Else, leave it blank. Server URL must be the URL of the WebSyncProcessor.asmx.

3. In IIS, verify if both windows and anonymous authentication is enabled for websync application.