Tetherfi Management Console

How to recover TMACServer from Stopped state in TMC

  1. Login to TMC, under Powershell tab go to Expert mode and execute the following command:

$procid=(get-process TMACWinService).id

echo $procid

2. The output is the Process ID of this task.

3. Now, kill this process by executing the following command:

taskkill /PID xxxx /f


How to Configure two server in TMC ?

Issue Description: 

Configured two servers in ServiceFamily.xml but second server is not accessible in TMC UI.

Components to Verify

Verify ServiceFamily.xml in Server 1 and Server 2. Both the server should be configured


  • TMC server files is not deployed in server 2
  • TMC services are not running in server 2

Issue Resolution: 

  • In sever 2, deploy TMC service and configuration files.
  • Create TMC service in Server 2
  • Configured both the server in ServiceFamily.xml
  • ServiceFamily.xml of server 1 should contain services that need to be configured and Server 2 details. ServiceFamily.xml of server 2 should contain services that need to configured and Server 1 details

Next Steps:

Start both the services of server 1 and server 2 and verify in TMC console. Now both the Servers are accessible from TMC console