Issue Description: TRealtimeData Service has been started and running , however real-time dashboard displays blank as shown in fig below.
Troubleshooting Steps:
TMAC Http Proxy list of methods
GetTmacWallboardskills method call
Valid data that is returned from the TMAC Proxy GetWallboardSkills method.
- If none of the above approach works, Look for any generic errors in the TRealtimeData service log as well as in the OCM log.
Things to know while configuring skills:
Open Applications configuration file. TRealtimeData application demands a couple of things while configuring skills.
Under tag or section <appsettings>, if the connection type is CM then configure skills for key skillsToMonitor or if type is SIP key to look for is skillsToMonitorForSIP.
<add key="skillsToMonitor" value="14-18;19-20" />
<add key="skillsToMonitorForSIP" value="14-18;19-20" />
To segregate each skills under different channels we have added custom section <TRealtimeDataServiceSettings> in configuration file as shown below.
<add ChannelName="Voice" SkillId="" />
<add ChannelName="Email" SkillId="" />
<add ChannelName="Chat" SkillId="14-18;19-20" />
Here there are different channels like voice, email, chat etc. Any number of channels can be added, and respective skills must be configured against that channel. As you can see skillsToMonitorForSIP has range of skills defined and same range of skills added under channel name “Chat”. This means that all skills are chat skills.