Interaction Workflow

Configuration with name "test" already exists

Issue description:

Getting a below error while saving a host configuration when there is no other host with the same name.


Troubleshooting steps:

  • Check the configuration path of Module Designer in web.config


  • Check the ModuleJsonPaths, SimulationURL, HostConfigurationApiURL and JsonFilesURL in <ModuleDesigner-installPath>/Data/MasterData/ApplicationConfiguration.json



Make sure all the URLs are valid and path configured are correct.

How to get dynamic value of AgentID or Skill in IW intent master VDN settings?


In Video call scenarios, based on the designed routing strategies there would a requirement to use a dynamic value of agentID or skills in IW Agent Node. Hence intent master setting needs to have dynamic value assignment to field VDN.


In the IW Intent Master use the following syntax to parse the session variable value as a VDN value.

$SESSION.AgentID OR $SESSION.CDN. The variable name depends on the declaration in session master by the flow developer.


Generic Web Service Interface - : PKIX path building failed


The Tetherfi Generic Web Service Interface component result in certificate error upon calling host modules.

"Exception at PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target".


in the case if you are calling any host module API either from Module Engine/NextAction or Module  Designer Host Simulation feature, the tetherfi generic web service interface is throwing the certificate path error as response and the host api execution fails.

Troubleshooting Check-points:

Check point 1: Verify the JKS and key store has valid certificate

  • In the Module Designer UI, you can find the 'SSL Manager' option.
  • Open the same and verify all the paths provided, also check the jks file exists in the specified path.
  • Click on the 'Certificate Manager' feature in Module Designer(MD), check if the certificate you are looking for is loaded, validate the certificate using keytool.

Check point 2: check JVM cacerts

  • In some of the cases the Java security under jvm could not identify the certificate your loaded.
  • Navigate to the JDK installed(usually program files/Java/) then /lib/security you will find 'cacerts' keystore.
  • in the command prompt , you can list the cert and verify the certificate in the keystore cacerts.


  •       In certificate path , additional white spaces, special characters and permissions to the certificate folder location would cause the error.
  •      Importing the certificate to the JVM security, steps as follows
  1.           Place the valid .cer certificate in accessible location
  2.           Now you have file with key store and you have to add it to your JVM. Determine location of cacerts files eg. C:\Program  Files\Java\jre1.6.0_22\lib\security\cacerts
  3.           Next import the .cer file into cacerts in command line (may need administrator command prompt)
    keytool -import -alias example -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.6.0_22\lib\security\cacerts" -file example.cer
  4.           You will be asked for password which default is 'changeit'
  5.           Restart the JVM/PC/Server.



How to load ModuleEngine Modules in chatbot flow or TPPVA ?

Issue Description:

Chatbot IW Flow disconnection at Module node.


  1. Add created module name in template.config file of TPPVA
  2. Add module name in ModuleEngineUrls.json file of TPPVA
  3. Restart TPPVA

How to add and access custom java class in IWUI?

Issue Description:

How to add custom class configuration for unavailable IWUI features or actions. Steps to add a custom class is explained below.


Step1: Create a Java class file for the required functionality. Copy compiled .jar file to the lib directory. Restart the tomcat.

Step2: In the action node of IWUI, select the operator as SessionDataUtility  and Variable1 as the path to the class name.


Note: In the above example com.tetherfi.IDFC is the package and  Location is the class name.



How to Configure a Chat flow with menu option driven by regular expression in synonyms


While creating a Chat flow in IW Chat, Menu option node contains different synonyms for different options. Normally, these synonyms are static alphanumeric texts. But, what if you need to check an incoming chat text with a regular expression and then route it to a particular menu option branch flow?


This can be done by giving regular expression in synonym section of a menu option. for example, lets say, we need to check for a particular card number pattern in an incoming text chat, like, 1234-xxxx-xxxx-1234, where first four and last 4 digits can vary and middle 8 digits are masked with an x which is static. For this, regular expression should be given in synonym as "regex:\d{4}-xxxx-xxxx-\d{4}", where, d{4} indicates 4 digits at the start and end, and "-xxxx-xxxx-" is static text expected in the middle.

IW WebSync: System.Net.WebException- The request failed with http status 404: Not found

Issue Resolution 1:

Goto IIS

1.Select the websync application and click on ‘Request filtering’ option

2. Click on ‘Edit feature Settings’ option

3.Increase the file size in the popup generated

Issue Resolution 2:

Increase maxAllowedContentLength in Wensync web.config

Exp:  10485760 Bytes (10.48579 MB) to 50000000 bytes (50 MB)

‘Save callflow failed. Cannot connect to remote server’ error in UI

Issue Resolution 1:

This error is generating in UI when certificate between IW UI and Interpreter differs. Check certificates and the protocol used to connect to an interpreter. All Certificate and protocol details are configured in ApplicationConfiguration.json file

Issue Resolution 2:

This error is generating in UI when firewall restricts the interpreter access.

‘Phrase upload failed’ error during IW node save

Issue Resolution 1:

This error message displays in UI when permission for the folder (maker/checker)  not given.

Issue Resolution 2:

When EnableInterpreterbasedUpload is enabled and interpreter is not reachable. Check ApplicationConfiguration.json file and see all configured interpreters are reachable. by executing below command



“You do not have access to this page. IW license not found” error in UI

Issue Resolution 1:

This error will be generated when the license service is not running in the system. check Licence service.



Callflows are not displayed in IW Role Based Access Matrix Module

Issue Resolution 1:

This issue is caused when interpreter is not running. Check whether interpreter is running or not


Issue Resolution 2:

Check for interpreter version


Issue Resolution 3:

Check for interpreter URL in ApplicationConfiguration.json

Real-Time Session Dashboard is not loading any data

Issue Resolution:

Reason for above issue is listed below:

  1. Wrong interpreter URL is provided in ApplicationConfiguration.json
  2. JS files are not loaded properly
  3. There is no session data at all


You can check for existing session data using below URL


User is not able to see the callflow in the dashboard even after providing the access to the callflow in IW Callflow access matrix

When we have given two roles to a single user, the application will check for the role which has higher Role ID and access provided to that role will be in effect.

Please refer below table:


Role1 Role2 Role3


1 Maker Checker Previewer Access Provided to Previewer Role will be in effect. For any combination with Previewer role, access provided to Previewer will be in effect
2 Maker Checker Access provided to Maker Role will be in effect ( Maker Role has higher priority than Checker)
3 Maker Maker Query will check for the higher Role Id ( 2 is higher than 1) in CMM_Roles table and Access provided to that role will be in effect.
4 Checker Checker Query will check for the higher Role Id ( 2 is higher than 1) in CMM_Roles table and Access provided to that role will be in effect.
5 Previewer Previewer Query will check for the higher Role Id ( 2 is higher than 1) in CMM_Roles table and Access provided to that role will be in effect.


Not able to simulate the callflow

Issue Resolution:

  • Check whether simulator application is reachable or not

Goto IIS/ IW Web.config and copy the simulator url ('MakerPhraseURL' in case callflow is in Maker side. Or 'CheckerPhraseURL' in case if the callflow at Checker side) and paste in browser

  • Check for the simulator link in IW Web.config

Goto IW Web.config  and check for appsettings key 'MakerPhraseURL' and 'CheckerPhraseURL' are reachable or not.

  • Check for the phrases in Maker phrase location

Check phrases are exists in 'PhraseUploadPath' and 'PhraseApprovedPath'

  • Check for the interpreter link in IW Simulator web.config
  • Check for Maker phrase path in IW Simulator web.config

License Service Error Codes

No Error Code


1 -3/-4 You do not have access to this page, IW License not found! This error will generate in below cases

·         When License server is not running/deployed

·         License is expired, or wrong license file deployed.

2 -5 You do not have access to this page, License grace period expired This error will be generated when grace license period expired
3 -2 IW License has expired. Grace period end date dd/mm/yyyy A notification in UI footer appears to indicate IW license expired and IW is running under grace period mode.

“You do not have access to this page. IW license not found” error in UI

Issue Resolution:

This error will be generated  when license service is not running in the system

Exception in OnStart: HTTP could not register URL http://+:80/LicenseServer/ Your process does not have access rights to this namespace Called OnStop, so stopping service

Issue Resolution:

This error will be generated when already a license service is running in the system with same name and port.

Use sc delete command and delete existing service and then deploy new service

Operational variable added in GlobalData.js displayed in Assignment node but not in PNC node (session variable)

Issue Resolution:

The operational variable added in GlobalData.js must have same text and value to reflect in PNC node.

{"text": "NRIC", "value": "NRIC"}

The underlying connection was closed. Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

Issue Resolution:

This error is generated in UI, when certificate between IW UI and Interpreter differs

  • Add security protocol in interpreter server.xml file
  • Add security protocol and certificate path in IW UI ApplicationConfiguration.json


Path: IW UI/Data/MasterData

‘Sorry!!you have not selected any callflow’ error message and ‘Dnis Details saved/Updated’ green colored error message in UI upon clicking ‘Preview’ button

Issue Resolution:

This error will be generating in UI when the credential used to access IW page has underscore (Basically application user should not contain any special characters like _ (underscore))
Exp: Tetherfi_Admin
IW application will accept only a single name.
Exp: TetherfiAdmin

Returning status code -1 in the logs and ‘Unable to save current flow for edit’ error toaster in UI

Issue Resolution:

This error will be generated when ‘json’ structure/syntax of the ApplicationConfiguration.json file is wrong.

  • Goto ApplicationConfiguration.json
  • Check the json structure. Check any comma is at end of each property


Returning status code -8 in the logs and ‘Interpreter not reachable’ error toaster in UI.

Issue Resolution:

This error will be displayed in the logs as well as in UI when wrong Interpreter URL is provided.

  • Goto ApplicationConfiguration.json
  • Check the interpreter URL provided


Returning status code -7 in the logs

Issue Resolution:

This error will be generated in the logs when we are unable to get proper response from interpreter

The underlying connection was closed. Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

Issue Resolution:

This error is generating in UI, certificate between IW UI and Interpreter differs

  • Add security protocol in interpreter server.xml file
  • Add security protocol and certificate path in IW UI ApplicationConfiguration.json


Path: IW UI/Data/MasterData

‘Delete callflow failed. Flow deleted failed’ error in UI

Issue Resolution:

This error will be generating in the UI when user try to delete the callflow that has only DNIS node. There must be at least 1 node (excluding DNIS node) to delete the callflow successfully.

The process cannot access the file ‘D:\Application\Tetherfi\IWPhraseMaker\[callflow]\ [Language]\ [Voice talent] \wav file’ because it is being used by another process.

Issue Resolution:

This error will generate in logs when same path is given for phrase upload as well as for approved phrases.

Give different location for the phrase upload (PhraseUploadPath) as well as for approved phrases (PhraseApprovedPath) in IW UI webconfig.

‘Files not moved’ error in UI while approving the callflow

Issue Resolution:

This error will generate in UI when callflow approved does not have any .wav files. There must be at least 1 wav file uploaded in a callflow to approve the callflow.

System.UnauthorisedAccessException D:\Tetherfi\....\phrase.wav

This error message in logs will be shown when access to specific file is denied. Check the file properties and remove read-only or block attributes from the file.


‘System error’ error in UI while importing the callflow

Issue Resolution:

This error will generate when the callflow imported does not have any wav files uploaded. The callflow should have minimum one wav(phrase) file attached.


Callflows for which access is provided in IW Access Matrix module is not be displayed for the user

Issue Resolution:

When we have given two roles to a single user, it will check for the role which has higher Role ID and access provided to that role will be in effect.

Please refer below table:


Sl.No Role1 Role2 Role3 Output
1 Maker Checker Previewer Access Provided to Previewer Role will be in effect. For any combination with Previewer role, access provided to Previewer will be in effect
2 Maker Checker   Access provided to Maker Role will be in effect ( Maker Role has higher priority than Checker)
3 Maker Maker   Query will check for the higher Role Id ( 2 is higher than 1) in CMM_Roles table and Access provided to that role will be in effect.
4 Checker Checker   Query will check for the higher Role Id ( 2 is higher than 1) in CMM_Roles table and Access provided to that role will be in effect.
5 Previewer Previewer   Query will check for the higher Role Id ( 2 is higher than 1) in CMM_Roles table and Access provided to that role will be in effect.



How to check whether IW Interpreter is running and Interpreter version

Access Interpreter URL in browser.

http://IP:PORT/IWInterpreterWebApp/ restServices/CheckStatus

It would show the status and version details in the below format.

Success.. IWInterpreter 2.2.2 is running on: Hostname