Email Workbench

New Emails are not shown in TMAC workbench.

Issue description: TMAC workbench shows older emails to date but new emails are not shown.


  • In Email Manager logs, check if there is any exception logged while reading an email from EWS. Look for log keyword PollForUnreadMessages”.
  • Ensure, email manager application is configured with the correct WorkQueue service endpoint address in its configuration file.
    • To verify, Go to the Email Manager application hosted path and open file "EmailManager.exe.config", look for endpoint URL address having keyword contract=" WorkQueue.IService" inside <endpoint> section.

Email Manager Configuration file showing work queue endpoint address

    • Cross-check if this URL address is equal to the WorkQueue applications base address URL.

WorkQueue service base address

  • Run the above work queue base URL in the browser and verify service is running. If the browser displays a blank screen or any error then Workqueue is not running, a restart of work queue service might be required in that case.
  • If WorkQueue service is running, examine whether the TMAC WorkQueue table is getting updated with new records. If not then look for any generic error in the WorkQueue service application log.
    • The SQL script to check table record is as follows: "select * from TMAC_WorkQueue order by CreateDate desc"
  • In the TMAC Workbench application configuration file, verify if database address is correctly configured.

Email Workbench configuration key to check for database connectivity

Workbench not showing any emails.

Issue Description:

TMAC workbench is not showing any emails in the TMAC Workbench Iframe window.

TMAC Workbench screen


This issue occurs usually when there is no connectivity to the database or if access to the database is denied.

  • First try an Advance search, to do this click on the Advance button in TMAC Workbench screen and provide valid date inputs then click on the search button as shown below. If no data then proceed with the below step.

The output of TMAC Workbench on Advance search

  • Go to IIS and look for TMAC_EmailWorkbench, right-click on that and select explore, you will then see web.config file, Open this configuration file, ensure connection string to the database is valid.


IIS Email Workbench

config key to check for the database connection string

  • Open the TMAC Workbench application log file and verify if there are any errors mainly related to SQL.
  • Open Event Viewer and look for any Application or System-level errors during that time.

Event Viewer screen

Workbench doesn’t show email accounts for logged in agent.

Issue Description:

Agent has logged in to TMAC with email skills but unable to see his team's email account in TMAC workbench.

When this issue occurs neither agent will be able to send any emails out nor he will be able to see any incoming emails.

Components to Verify:


What to Check


Email_AccountConfiguration table’s TeamIDList column.

AGT_Agent table’s TeamID column.

TMAC UI tmacconnectprotocol.js file to check which TMAC_HttpProxies application is in use.
TMAC_HttpProxies Log file
TMAC Server Log file

Log file

Troubleshooting steps:

  1. Email Manager (EMM) application must be up and running.
  2. Endpoint address of EMM application configured in TMAC Workbench must be valid and correct.
  3. Check if TMAC Http Proxies is processing TMAC's request successfully. Can be verified using TMAC and TMAC Http Proxies log.
  4. Check if agent's team id and team id column for an email account is same using OCM module (which can also be checked in database, Email Account Configuration table).