
Customer Information is not displayed in TMAC UI

Issue Description : -  Customer Information is not Displayed in the TMAC UI.

Components To Verify:- POM CTI wrapper logs, TMAC server logs.

Keyword to search:-  POM CTI Wrapper logs :- Customer UUI data received or not.

TMAC Server logs:- OnOutboundCallInitiated , Incoming call event, UUI DATA event, Outboundcall UUI data.

Troubleshooting :- Collect the UCID of the call with the having the issue. Check the Sequence of events.

Check in the TMAC server logs events as per the screenshot.



Summary/ Next Step:-

  1. Whenever we get a preview contact, CTIServer will send two events to TMACServer followed by TMAC UI. OnOutboundCallInitiated (which internally we call it is as Incoming Call event) and OnOutboundCallUUIData event.
  2. Once TMAC UI, received OnIncomingCall event, it will create tab and it will enable “Dial and Cancel” buttons in TMAC UI.
  3. Once TMAC UI, received OnOutboundCallUUIData event, it will update/render the customer information in the UI.

Sip Dialer - SecurityLogin return:-9


While restarting the sip dialer, it failed to start.

Troubleshooting step:

  1. Check if there is an error in the sip dialer's log.
  2. If there is a below error then this could be because of AES down.
  3. Ping AES IP and check if it's reachable. If it's not reported to the IT team.

DEBUG VoiceLibrary.TServerManager - SecurityLogout return:-3:
DEBUG VoiceLibrary.TServerManager - SecurityLogin return:-9:


Report to IT Team at customer environment to get the AES up and running.

Scheduled callback is failing

 a) Issue description:

Once the chat is disconnected, agent can schedule the callback by given date and time. It is failing with TMAC UI error "Schedule fail"

b) Components to Verify:
Component What to Check Where to Check
TMAC Server Dialer certificate Go to TMACServer folder -> AMACWebServerWin.exe.config/ template.config

Check the key "DialerServiceCertificate" and its value.

Certificate path and certificate(Server cert) should be valid

c) Keywords to Search:
Component Keywords Log Path
TMAC Server Log RescheduleRequest Go to TMACServer folder -> AMACWebServerWin.exe.config -> key ‘Log4NetConfigFile’ will have the path to TMACServerLogs

d) Resolution: 

Configure the correct cert name and path in the TMAC server config