Campaign Manager

Campaign Widget not working in Agent Desktop

In Agent Desktop, inside Campaign Widget, the customer information was not being fetched.

When checked further in TCAMP UI, the Contact count column was not being displayed.

Campaign server logs were showing disk is full when checked in server.

When checked further in application server the C: Drive was full. Cleared the space in C: drive and the issue was resolved.

2. “Server error” is displayed while trying to perform any action on TCM UI

Issue description: “Server error” is displayed while trying to perform any action on TCM UI

Troubleshooting steps: Check if the TCM service is running. If it is stopped then start the service.

When does the contact call status be "agentconnected"?

Contact call status is "AgentConnected" when the campaign iframe loads for a call on the TMAC Agent UI. Campaign iframe loads the moment the call lands to the agent UI. Agent need not answer the call to attain "AgentConnected" status.

Usually the campaign calls are auto answered and in such a case, it is difficult to find out from the UI when the status "Agentconnected" is attained. Mostly, it is thought that this status is achieved when the agent answers the call.



Steps to view the SIP process logs for a campaign call.


  1. Open the TCM server logs folder and click on the latest Log4net.log file
  2. Look for the text in bold

Tetherfi.CampaignManager.SipIvrCall - StartProcess:[<process id>........]

  1. Process id will be present along with phone number and other details. To identify, if the process id is for the specific call, navigate to the end of the above log line and check for the phone number.
  2. Take the process id for the call and go to the CampVP log folder. This is another folder other than the server log folder. This will contain only the voice process logs. 
  3. Check for the log files for the process id, open it and you can proceed with your log investigation.

How to get the process id of campaign call?

Issue description: user does not know how to get the process id of the campaign call.


  1. Open the TCM server logs folder and click on the latest Log4net.log file
  2. Look for the text in bold. 

Tetherfi.CampaignManager.SipIvrCall - StartProcess:[<process id>........]

Process id will be present along with phone number and other details. 



Campaign Manager UI (TCM UI) displays "License has expired. Please contact administrator".

Issue description: Campaign Manager UI (TCM UI) displays "License has expired. Please contact administrator". Both License Manager service and Campaign manager service are running.


  1. Stop the License service and Campaign Manager service.
  2. First start the License Manager service and then after few secs start Campaign Manager service.
  3. Refresh the TCM application in IIS
  4. Browse TCM UI and now application should display the TCM UI landing page as expected.

Campaign call gets disconnected after connecting to the agent

Issue description: Dialled out calls are disconnected after agent gets connected to the call instead of dialing to the customer. In the TCM UI call record status will be AgentConnected> QueueAbandoned.


  1. In TCM UI, pause the campaign.
  2. select the campaign and edit it.
  3. check the value of Wait time before dial field. Its value should be greater than 0. Save the changes. Ensure this while creating the campaign to avoid the issue.
  4. Hard reload TMAC UI.
  5. campaign calls coming in after the changes will not get disconnected.

Campaign iframe in TMAC does not display any content

Follow the below steps to overcome the issue:

  1. While creating the campaign, select correct URL in the pop URL field. This URL is configured in the TCM UI > campaign_scripts>global_vars.js file in var screenpopUrls section. If the URL provided is incorrect, change the URL.
  2. In TCM UI, select the campaign and edit it.
  3. Choose the correct data from the pop url drop down and save the campaign.
  4. Even if the correct data is available in the drop down, choose the value again and save in case there is change in URL.
  5. Now run start the campaign.
  6. Hard reload TMAC.
  7. Campaign iframe should display the contact’s data now.

Unable to select future date in CampaignIframe in TMAC

Issue Description:


1. Calls are dialed out from TCM.

2. The agent receives a call and call is conferenced with the customer.

3. Agent conducts surveys and schedules callback by choosing callback in status and appropriate reason, schedule date and time.

4. While selecting scheduled Date and Time, the User is unable to select Future Date.


Tetherfi Campaign Manager

Troubleshooting Information

Verify the scheduled date and time of the campaign In TCM. Based on selected Schedule Date and time in TCM, Schedule date&time will display in TMAC CampaignIframe.

TCM-"No records available" in the campaign grid in Campaign Manager UI

If user gets "No records available" when tried to access TCM application after deployment then login to server and verify SQLite is installed(Assuming there is data in DB) and SQLite DB path in Campaign Manager service configuration is correct.

Campaign Manager - license expired/contact administrator for access error

a) Issue Description

When we try to login to TCM, the error shows that license expired/please contact administrator to get access.

b) Components to verify:

Component What to Check Where to Check
TCM service Is the TCM service up and running Start-->Task manager-->services tab-->TCM service
TCM UI Base address of TCM server Web config file

c)  Next steps:

  1. If the service is not running, start the service. Go to start--->services--->select the service and start
  2. The base address of the service should be correctly given in the web config of TCM Ui.

Campaign Manager - Duplicate contacts are not allowed in the campaign

a) Issue Description:

Duplicate contacts are not getting added to the Campaign.

b) Components to verify:

Check the field " Check for existing Contacts" in the TCM Ui. If its ticked, the duplicates are not allowed.

c) Resolution/Next steps:

Disable the field "Check for existing Contacts" in the TCM Ui. Now check by adding duplicate contacts. It should allow to add duplicates.

We can add various combinations of contacts. Based on the dynamic fields and status of contacts, various contacts can be added.

duplicate check fields

Campaign Manager - Trace the call using VDN

a) Issue description:

Unable to trace the call after adding contacts in the Campaign.

b) Components to verify:

Go to CM(Putty) and login with the credentials. We can trace the call in CM (Putty) by typing the below command:

List trace vdn <vdn number>

The attached screen shows how it comes for each campaign call.

Call tracing in CM

Customer Information is not displayed in TMAC UI

Issue Description : -  Customer Information is not Displayed in the TMAC UI.

Components To Verify:- POM CTI wrapper logs, TMAC server logs.

Keyword to search:-  POM CTI Wrapper logs :- Customer UUI data received or not.

TMAC Server logs:- OnOutboundCallInitiated , Incoming call event, UUI DATA event, Outboundcall UUI data.

Troubleshooting :- Collect the UCID of the call with the having the issue. Check the Sequence of events.

Check in the TMAC server logs events as per the screenshot.



Summary/ Next Step:-

  1. Whenever we get a preview contact, CTIServer will send two events to TMACServer followed by TMAC UI. OnOutboundCallInitiated (which internally we call it is as Incoming Call event) and OnOutboundCallUUIData event.
  2. Once TMAC UI, received OnIncomingCall event, it will create tab and it will enable “Dial and Cancel” buttons in TMAC UI.
  3. Once TMAC UI, received OnOutboundCallUUIData event, it will update/render the customer information in the UI.

Campaign Manager - Contacts are not dialing out on priority basis

a) Issue Description:

The contacts are not dialing out on the basis of priority after setting the priority in the TCM Ui.

b) Components to verify:

Check the Autofifo key in the server and Ui config files.

c) Resolution/ Next steps:

1. When we give Enable autofifo key as 0(zero), and set filter as one field and then click on the active button.

Then the contacts will be dialing out based on the filter and once all the contacts got over under filter, one notification popup will display saying that the contacts without priority starts dial automatically after the resumed time. The time also should displays in the pop up.

If we clear that message, then the contacts without priority dials out immediately.

2. When we give Enable autofifo key as 1, and set filter for some fields. Click on the Active button under the priority.

The contacts with priority dials out first and once it finishes, the contacts without priority takes immediately. The notification message shows that "no matching records found, will pick other contacts".

3. When we set Enable autofifo as 2, the contacts will be dialing out based on the priority only.

Campaign Manger - Contacts are in Expired status

a) Issue description:

Contacts are getting expired after adding the contacts in the Campaign.

b) Components to verify :

Check the "Contact Expiry time " field under settings Tab in the TCM Ui.

c) Trouble shooting points

Expiry calculation is based on the LastChangedOn of the contact.

LastChangedOn - contact created datetime or last status changed date.

The below example show how the calculation works:

if the contact is scheduled 2-3 hours in advance

  • Contact expiry time is 1 hour then contact will go expire.
  • Contact expiry time is 8 hours then contact will not expire.

if it was scheduled the day before

  • Contact expiry time is 8 hours then contact will go expire.
  • Contact expiry time is 48 hours then contact will not expire.

if the callback is scheduled within an hour of the requested DateTime

  • Contact expiry time is 1 hour then contact will go expire.
  • Contact expiry time is 2 hours then contact will not expire.
  • Contact expiry time is 48 hours then contact will not expire.

d) Resolution/Next steps:

By default the value is 0(zero), so the contacts will go to expired status whenever we add any contact. So always keep a value greater than 0(zero).

settings tab in TCM Ui

Campaign Manager - Customer number is not displaying in TMAC while calling

a) Issue Description:

Customer contact number is not displaying in the Tmac while getting call.

b) Components to verify :

    1. The keys in the Tcamp server "Camp_CheckIncomingCalls" value="1""Camp_AniList" value="60000-69999"The above keys should match with the corresponding keys in the Tmac server\template.configIf the keys are not matching, then it will not consider as a Campaign call. So these keys should  always match.
    2. The base address of Tcamp server should be proper in the Tmac Server/TMAC_Data.Json file key: "tmc.conf.tCampPrimaryEP"
    3. Check the Campaign manger client dll version( in the Tmac server


Campaign Manager- Only one Contact is getting dialed out at a time

a) Issue description:

Only one contact is dialing out from the Campaign, rest all contacts are in "Open" status.

b) Components to verify:

  1. Go to Campaign Manager UI and go to edit option ,check the field " Max concurrent calls" in the Campaign.
  2. By default the value is 1, so only one contact will be dialed out.
  3. If the above contact's status changed to "Queue Connected", then next contact will be dialed out.
Campaign Manager

Max concurrent calls

Campaign Manager - Campaign is not showing as on schedule

a) Issue Description:

Campaign shows off schedule/pending when we play the Campaign.

b) Components to verify :

Check the schedule and verify that the schedule time to play is on time or not.If its not current ,then tick the forever button. It will run forever. And if there is any schedule, it will override with forever .

Resolution/Next steps:

Make campaign schedule as current by ticking the forever button. Then play the Campaign and check what status it shows for Campaign.



Campaign Manager - Retry is not happening for the contact

a) Issue Description:

Retry of the contacts is not happening for the contacts under campaign.

b) Components to verify:

The components needs to verify in TCM Ui are retry count field under Campaign and contact.

c) Trouble shooting:

Check the field "Retry count" under campaign. If we give value as 3 under campaign, then all the contacts under that campaign will retry till 3 times. If there is no value under contact retry count, then it takes the count as campaign retry count. If we want to retry specifically for contacts, give retry count under contact. Then it will override the retry count under campaign level.

For each retry, that many number of records should be added under the contact.

d) Resolution/Next steps:

Give the value of retry count properly under campaign and contact.

Campaign Manager - Multiple Default Campaigns are not getting added

a) Issue Description:

Multiple default campaigns are not getting added to the campaign in TCM. When try to make more than one campaign as default, it shows an error saying that already one default campaign exists.

b) Components to verify :

Check in TCM Ui whether already one campaign is set as default or not. If it is there, then we cant add another as default.

c) Resolution/Next steps:

Make only one campaign as default by ticking the field "default campaign".






Campaign- Contacts are not getting dialled out from the campaign

a) Issue Description

Contacts are added to the TCM, but it is not getting dialed out. All contacts are in "open" status.

b) Components to verify:


  1. Check the Max concurrent calls field in the Campaign, if the value is 0, then no calls will be dialing out. If the value is 1, only one contact will be dialed out, rest of the contacts will be in open status.
  2. Check the schedule: if the campaign is off schedule, then contacts will not dialed out.
  3. Check whether the DND field is enabled or not. If its enabled, calls will not go

c) Next steps:

  1. Change the value of max concurrent calls to a value greater than 1
  2. If the schedule is off, change the schedule to on schedule by changing schedule time or make the campaign as forever.
  3. Uncheck the DND field and try


Campaign Manager - Status codes and reasons not displaying in Tmac.

a) Issue Description:

When agent wants to submit the campaign call with code and reason, it is not displaying in the Tmac.

b) Components to verify :

Check in Tcamp Ui, whether the codes and reasons are there in campaign. If not, add the valid codes and reasons and save.

c) Next steps:

Try to make call and check whether the codes and reasons display in the Tmac while submitting the call.


The screen shot shows an example of status codes and reasons :

codes and reasons

Campaign Manager - Contacts are in "Open" status

a) Issue description:

Contacts are not dialing out from the campaign. The contacts are in the "Open" status.

b) Components to verify:

Check the DND button under contact in the TCM Ui. If its ticked, the contacts will not dial out.

c) Resolution/Next steps:

Disable the DND button in TCM Ui and check the status of the contact.


DND contact


Chat CallBack not QueueDialing

Scenario 1: Open Campaign Manager UI -> Select the Campaign in which the CallBack is not dialing -> Edit.


Increase the Max Concurrent Calls so that multiple CallBack can be put in Queue.

Preferred count is 50, Max is 100.



Scenario 2:  As shown in snapshot_1 if ‘Forever’ field is unticked. Kindly Select the Schedule Tab.



Click on Edit-> Check the Schedule Type, Start Date, End Date, Start time and End Time with the current time and ensure the that it is scheduled between the Current Time.


Refused to display 'iframe', because it set to 'X-iframe-options' to 'sameorigin'

Issue Description:

In TMAC , the iframe could not be loaded due to cross domain. TMAC Proxy is using different domain from TMAC UI.The error can be found as below from developer tools(F12)











Step 1:

Campaign Selector UI is hosted from different domain, in this case specify the full url in globalvars.js

Step 2:

From the IIS, for TMAC UI, select the below module HTTP Response Headers










Enter the X-Frame-Options as value="ALLOW-FROM *"











Alternatively, we can the below in Web.config when no IIS access.

<add name="X-Frame-Options" value="ALLOW-FROM *" />

Issue will be resolved loading the iframe as below.

Unable to see new screen configured in TCampUI after changing global_vars.js

Issue Description

Issue 1: The variable for screenpopURL in "//TCampUI/campaign_scripts/global_vars.js" updated. TMAC launches this URL for each campaign call. The Campaign Manager UI displays the old URL. Clearing the browser cache does not fix the issue.

Issue 2: The variable for screenpopURL in "//TCampUI/campaign_scripts/global_vars.js" updated. TMAC launches this URL for each campaign call. The Campaign Manager UI displays the new URL for new campaign records. The existing records display the older screenpopURL. Clearing the browser cache does not fix the issue.

global_vars.js parameter for screenpopUrls

global_vars.js parameter for screenpopUrls

Troubleshooting Information

Issue 1: After making any changes to the global_vars.js for the Campaign Manager UI, the Campaign Manager Windows Service needs to be restarted. After the restart, the changes will be reflected in the UI.

Issue 2: The Campaign data is stored in the SQLite DB. Edit the existing campaign details in the database to reflect the new URL. Refer to the FAQ 'Using SQLite browser for applications with SQLiteDB integration' on using SQLiteDB browsers for SQLiteDB configuration.

System.InvalidOperationException: A registration already exists for URI


Start the Windows Service. The service cannot be started and errors are seen in logs.

  • TCampServer (Tetherfi Campaign Manager)

Issue Description

Service does not start with the error as below:

"Service cannot be started. System.InvalidOperationException: The ChannelDispatcher at 'http://localhost:50000/application' with contract(s) '"Application.IService"' is unable to open its IChannelListener. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: A registration already exists for URI 'http://localhost:50000/application'."

Possible Root Cause

  1. Windows Service endpoints for the application are duplicated.
  2. Windows Service and the Third Party Web Service (for REST/POM integration) endpoints are duplicated.

Troubleshooting Information

The base address and client endpoints should be unique in tmc.config and template.config files.

The baseAddress for a webService/windowsService should not have the same URI as the REST, POM or third party Proxy service endpoint.

e.g: TCampServer configuration,

  • Windows service URI: http://localhost:50000/TCampServer1
  • REST URI: http://localhost:50080/TCampServer1or http://localhost:50000/TCampServer_REST.