Pro-Active Outreach Manager (POM) is an Avaya's application to which TMAC is integrated to. POM will support only outbound calls.
To get calls, the agent should be logged in as an Outbound Agent which is nothing but POM agent. To login as POM Agent, the agent should have outbound skills.
In POM, there are different campaigns and contact lists. Each contact lists can be associated with different campaigns. Each campaigns will be having unique skills. For ex: Campaign A has skill 1234_Out, Campaign B has skill 5678_Out and so on.
To get calls, need to start the campaigns, say if Campaign A is started then to get this campaign calls, logged in agents should be having the skill 1234_Out otherwise even if the agent is available, the agent will not get any calls. Similarly for other campaigns. Therefore the agents should be having the same skill as the campaign skill which is running to get calls.
Campaigns can be preview, predictive or progressive. Depending on the skill and campaign running respective calls will be sent to respective agents. There can be multiple agents and campaigns be running simultaneously, calls from campaigns will be routed based on the agent skills.
ACD agents will not get POM outbound calls.